Post Op


I’m home recovering from elective surgery.


Heather, one of my nurses at Women and Infants Hospital, told me this same procedure changed her life. “Sneezing and laughing!” she promised. “Trampolines!”


No trampolines for me yet. No jumping at all. Or running. Or lifting.


For now, I’m enjoying brief walks around the house, good meals cooked by my husband, and long periods of sitting on the couch.


I’m used to spending my days at home. But that usually means running up and down the stairs, between my desk and the kitchen and the laundry and the bathroom, not to mention in and out of the house. When I do sit around, I’m usually watching the view out the window or staring at my computer.


Usually, I have too much to do, and too little patience, to just sit.


Today, though, I have been watching the light shift across the floor in the front hall.


And that’s been plenty.


4 Responses to “Post Op”

  1. Jan Donley Says:

    Love the picture-story.

  2. Bayla Singer Says:

    So very zen … and so necessary for health. May you continue to notice detail and be content in the moment. Refua sh’lema.

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